Many of you know my mom, Maria Teresa and my brother Roberto. For those who may not be familiar with her... my mom works day and night caring for my brother. My brother suffers from a combination of spina bifida, cerebral palsy, and some mental retardation. As he's gotten old, his lungs have become weaker (he's 43 years old), and his care a lot more intense. My mother is also aging, and lives alone with him, so life has gotten more complex. I don't think people realize how hard his care is, especially when you have to do it alone. My mother's sleep pattern is very bad, because he requires so much attention. I wish I could help more than I do, but my own family responsibilities prevent it. Further, finances prevent us from getting her more assistance. My mom RARELY complains, she loves my brother and will do anything for him. Even when tired, my mom will take care of all of us, including my children. Her spirit is beautiful, and she truly has become my #1 hero. Since a young age, she's worked hard to provide for us, and I would love it if your support could help me give back to her.
For this reason, I have opened up a "nest". My mom needs a fully working kitchen! Caring for my brother is a 24 hour job and the pay is non-existent. My mom has done wonders to try and keep her home in good shape, especially trying to keep it comfortable for my brother's needs. But this home is 21 years old, and big projects like these are things she will never be able to afford. Especially because any disposable income goes to medical bills. This kitchen is truly a critical need, over a "nice to have". I am not looking for luxury, just some support to provide her with a functional kitchen.
I hope you can help me surprise her and make her dream come true!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Regina Jue (her daughter)
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