Dreaming of a home for my foster son and myself

All my life i thought i wanted to just rent and be able to move from place to place without anything tying me down. I have had a rough past few years financially with medical bills and finishing up school. Last year I began the process to become a foster mom, finished my Master's degree and gave a commencement speech. I have dealt with a lot of tragedy in the past 7 years with the loss of my mom and my brother's suicide in 2012. During this time I persevered as best I could. I currently am taking care of a 13 year old foster child who has been with me for 8 months. My wish is to adopt him. I also desire to move back closer to family and finally settle down and give this child a real family and place that he can call his own. I am currently working on a budget to set aside 15,000 of my own money for a higher down payment on a home. If you would be willing to help me reach my dream of owning my own home it would mean the world to me.  

My goal is to find a house that my father can move in with me. He is 71 years old and his health is deteriorating. I want to be there close to him and I cant do that while i am a few hours away from home. 


Thanks in advance.

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