Our story is a unique one in that our middle son, Tyler, was diagnosed with autism when he was in kindergarten. He is now 14 and heading into his first year of high school. He finished middle school last spring and was looking forward to attending high school and joining the autism program at the high school level that he has enjoyed since his diagnosis. For the last year we have been able to continue to send him to his school of origin even though we are currently living in a neighboring town. This is due to the McKinney-Vento act that allows children to stay in their school/district of origin if they become homeless. We are technically homeless, living in my in-laws’ basement, due to circumstances beyond our control. Since our son, Tyler, is now transitioning from his elementary district to the high school district, and we are currently living in a neighboring town, he is no longer eligible to attend his autism program because he is moving from his elementary/middle school district of origin to the high school district. We were informed of this issue a few weeks ago and have not yet told him that he may not be able to go to the school he originally thought he would be going to. It would devastate him and has devastated us. We are working as hard as we can to get back to the town we lived in before school starts in the fall so he can stay in his autism program and attend the high school he originally registered at. That being said, we are under contract on a home, and we are set to close on the home on August 26, 2019. We are scrambling to come up with the down payment and are having trouble. There isn't much available as far as homes, but the one we found is exactly where we need it at a price that is unbelievably low. And it is right where we need it to be for all three of our children to stay in their schools/districts. We are set except for our down payment. We have tried many different ways to come up with the money and have not been successful. We are making this account as a last ditch effort to try to raise the money.
To anyone that can contribute, we greatly appreciate it. You will never know how much.
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